Sunday 25 October 2009

Visual Language... Ident

In today’s lesson we were asked to construct a letter of our choice, out of boxes, but it had to work across different plains, like the Channel 4 ident, where are at first it appears that there are a series of shapes until one certain point when you can clearly see it is a 4. We would create a similar sort of thing, creating a view finder to be stuck at one end of the table where the letter can be viewed.
We chose the letter F as it is quite a simple letter with no diagonals or rounded sections, but we would add serifs on for added effect. Black card would be attached to the boxes, and the black card is what would make the shape of the letter. Where edges of the boxes met, some of the black card had to be cut in half, this is strange to describe in words, but makes sense once seen. We had a wide selection of boxes to work with from cigarette packets to cereal boxes.

The group worked well together, Ellis and Charlotte were at the view point instructing where to put the card, while Polly, Robyn and I were cutting up and placing the card on to the boxes.

These are a selection of photos taken by Ellis/Charlotte throughout:

We had to place the boxes across the table...

This is how the boxes looked through our viewfinder...

Then we could start placing parts of the black card on...

There were a few issues with balancing the top bar of the F...

The final F...

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