Wednesday 15 December 2010

Experiments Part 2...

The following experiments are for the word Click, using Helvetica:

1) For this I have animated using the position controls and scale. I like this composition as the text appears as if it is being clicked on.

Click from Gemma Byrne on Vimeo.

2) The next one, is very simple, only adjusting the position of each character.

The version that isn't clipped before the end!

Click 2 Edit from Gemma Byrne on Vimeo.

3) This is a variation on the previous one incorporating rotation. No matter how many times I upload this, the 'K' still doesn't work, yet the movie works in After Effects!

4) This ties in Clip 1 and Clip 3.

Click 4 from Gemma Byrne on Vimeo.


The following experiments are with text layers on After Effects using Helvetica.

1) To create this I applied the filter, Scatterize with a right twist.
2) This is using the Scatter style, and adjusting the opacity.

Dissolve 2 from Gemma Byrne on Vimeo.

3) This has been created by adding the Dust and Scratches filter.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Wednesday 8 December 2010


Also we learnt how to storyboard, this is a very good way of presenting, organising and creating ideas for animation. Instead of creating them on one sheet, we used 25 separate ones, to enable us to shuffle frames around or re-order the sequence. On each sheet the Title Safe and Action Safe Zones were marked out to familiarise us with the idea of sticking to the boundaries.

I started with the letter Z that started off the screen and moved in from the bottom left hand corner, it then transformed into an L, then a (chunky) C, followed by an F and rotated 360 degrees while scaling right down so the letter is invisible in the last frame.


Today we learnt to make a flip book using post-it notes, to experiment with animation. This gave me a better idea of how animation works, as I had never really had much experience of animation before.

It begins as a C made up of 8 dots, and over each frame the shape loses a dot until there is a single dot left which grows into a circle, and transforms into a G, and rotates 180 degrees before ending up as a back to front E.

Click Ideas...

Possible fonts from Da Font
The types of font I have searched for, for this word are computer-type fonts. The word click to me, makes me think of computers, and mouse-clicks... It also makes me think of the sound of a click, like a light switch, a mouse, or clicking of the fingers. As this is a silent movie brief, these could be visually represented as short, staccato movements.

Initial Ideas

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Silent Movie... Dissolve Ideas

Possible fonts from

Some of these fonts would work great for dissolve, as they already appear to be a bit sketchy, which could be further explored and broken down. On the other hand, I could use a plain solid font, and then transform it.

Initial ideas:

My Second Composition...

Second Session... from Gemma Byrne on Vimeo.

Second Session Part 2 from Gemma Byrne on Vimeo.

Monday 6 December 2010

Monday 22 November 2010

Final Boards...

First and final attempts at the boards, not ideal but I had Vertigo for 5 days and missed my print slot. A tutor did recommend Staples, but £50 for 5 boards... Say no more.

Final Images...

Wednesday 20 October 2010

What Is Good... Logo

These are my 2 favourite logos... I have stuck with the same colours from Wrap It Up, and the same font and style, as I felt the design communicates the fifties in a successful way. I cannot decide between a the two at the present moment, as I think both are equally as effective.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

What Is Good... Simply Retro

This is just a colour experiment with the type for Simply Retro, as when I did the type for Wrap It Up, I had already picked the colours I was going to use before I began designing, so I didn't get chance to experiment with other colours. A part of me wants to stick with the same colour scheme as I think it works well, but before I can make that decision, I need to explore other avenues:

I do quite like this colour, it really adds to the softness and flow of the scripted text. The pastel pink gives a feminine yet playful feel, this would be appropriate if the shop was just for females. From my research of 'Vintage advertising' soft pastel colours are common, which is something to consider.

This is a better colour and I think it would suit the logo well, it is much bolder than the previous colour.

I cannot decided whether this is appropriate or not, it may look quite good with the grey. It is one to consider...

At first I did like the red, but it looks a bit cheap, which means it is definitely not appropriate to my branding, as I want to create a really elegant look.

I am in two minds whether I like the blue or not, it is bold, which is great, but I think it may be too saturated, and other lighter tones, just don't seem to look right at all.

This is just an experiment with using white type on a coloured background, I don't think this would look right if I stuck with the idea of framing the text.

The grey works really well with the white, and it would be sticking with my original colour scheme which I felt had a vintage feel to it.

This is a lighter version, which I did like at first, but compared with the previous idea, the text doesn't stand out quite as much. The colours need to stand out, especially as the logo will be transferrable on to a shop sign.

This is completely different from my other experiments, and I just wanted to go for really bright colours to see how it would look, this wouldn't be appropriate for the Fifties vintage shop, but may suit the Sixties or Seventies one. I think the oclours really communicate the word, retro.

This is a colourful variation, however, the use of the primary colours makes it look a little bit childlike.

Quite a radical colour clash here, again it may suit the Sixties/Seventies shop branding, but not the Fifties.

This is a better combination of colours, however, I think it may be a little bit too fun and playful looking.

Okay, I am beginning to hate the idea of having a back ground colour it looks tacky and cheap. I need to think, tastefully sophisticated...

I think I will stick to my guns, and go with grey... Unless anyone has any better suggestions.

What Is Good... Frame For Logo

Monday 18 October 2010

Wrap It Up... Final Designs

How to Fold: Business Card Holder
This will be seen on the outside...

And it will fold out to look like this on the inside...

Mail It: Receipt Envelope

The horrible solid and dashed lines will not be visible but are just to show where the visuals are in relation to the net boundaries.

How To Fold: Mail Shot Invitation