Friday 2 October 2009

Alphabet Soup

For this brief, I picked the word 'Exaggerate' out of Amber's randomiser. I then, had to communicate in a set, series or sequence of 10 letterforms this word, by manipulating already existing letterforms. This had to be done in an A6 format.

I sketched different ways in which I could exaggerate, for example, I could exaggerate the lines used to create the letterform, or exaggerate a specific part of the letter, such as the bowl or stem, I also thought about pixelating the letterforms which would be anohter method of exaggeration. Another sketch I did was a letter E drawn in one point perspective with a vanishing point. I did quite like this but I decided to really show exaggeration, I needed to work in 3D.

I then had to choose a font which at first was going to be something plain and sans serif and easily manipulated like Helvetica, however I found a font called "Exaggerate" and the letters look like they are facing sideways, which I found appropriate.

Now I had found my font I originally settled with exaggerating the depth of each letter, I wanted to achieve this through decoupage, however once I had presented this idea in a group crit, a few members of the group thought that my idea didn't communicate this and it looked like I was trying to communicate 'Layers', one of the other words. I completely agreed with this and decided to do something similar but instead of having 4 or 5 letters stacked on top of each other separated with foam squares, I would have a piece of black card, with a letter stuck on with 2 foam squares to raise it up, another letter stuck on top of that with the same amount of foam sqaures with one section of the letter more raised than the other.

By using the black card, I could use a coloured card for the letterforms, which would make quite a dramatic contrast and the colours would appear more vivid, than on white card. Also I used different coloured card to make the idea seem bright and interesting, so it wasnt just letterforms stuck to black card.

For my 10 letterforms, I chose to spell out Exaggerate, just to be even more explanatory, and to avoid any confusion.

With these letters we were then asked to pick our favourite for the Digital side of the brief...

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