Tuesday 15 December 2009

Collection 100... Research Proposal

The subject matter of this new brief is...


Possible categories and interrelationships I can look at will be...
Food, Drink, Media, Events, Graphics, Illustration, Colour, Logos, Symbols, Fashion, Social Life, Religion, Traditions, Weather, Travel, Retail

Research Processes will include...

Primary methods: Field Research (Observations- Participant and/or Direct), Surveys (Telephone/Internet), Photography

Secondary methods: Books

Who and Where will I research?

Primary Sources: Leeds, Scunthorpe, Family, Friends, General public

Secondary Sources: Television, Books, Video clips, Existing images

Research processes will include...

Photography of towns/cities at Christmas, family celebrations, shops etc. as primary, also, interviews with family members and friends.

Watching the news showing other towns celebrating, for example GMTV, existing images from past celebrations, collection of objects.

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