Friday 4 November 2011

Font Choices

First choice for type, something sketchy/art looking...

After reviewing this selection I decided my first message of communication for my logo isn't about the art, the most important thing to me is that the logo has a friendly/informal/relaxing air about it. Something too arty/sketchy might come across child like. Serendipity is a place to cheer people up, not all of the art works will be for everybody.

The next set of fonts I looked at started off very simple, sans serif, and as the list progresses they become more hand-written, some script some not. I think the handwritten approach seems friendly.

I do like pretty much all of these choices, but what I have to be careful about is the script fonts as they may portray a more feminine look - I have to make the logo appeal to as many people as possible. Based on this, I need to narrow down a list and begin developing ideas. Some of the fonts I think the type on its own could work as a logo!

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