Monday 2 May 2011

Statement of Intent

Product - Range - Distribution
Statement of Intent


My Graphic Design practice has now taken the path of screen based Graphics, it is only a recent turn in my direction, and I am still getting to learn the basics, but it is something I really have a passion for. Mainly in the form of image based graphics but I do use text where necessary, and have enjoyed creating a screen idents in the past, which will form the basis of this brief.

Statement of Intent:

I intend to produce an identity for a new TV channel including a logo, which can be transferred to a range of media from motion graphics to other supporting media such as design for print. The products will be the name, the logo, idents (screen), a web banner, and a variety of posters and flyers for different locations.
The kind of print based media that I intend to create are large scale posters for public locations e.g. bus stops, the Underground and billboards.


Primary - I will be looking at existing TV channels such as their identity and logo and target audience. I will also look at their promotion methods. I will take all of this research in an attempt to establish a niche in the market.

Secondary - Contextual research. I will need to find books in the library on branding and identity.

Practical Development:

The practical skills I think will be most important for this brief will be layout and composition skills, image making, type skills in order to produce the screen/print ideas, but each will be similar as I will stick to set a of 'branding and identity guidelines' in order to keep the products uniform and identifiable. I will heavily rely on Photoshop and After Effects, although After Effects will be used later on in the brief.

Recording, Documentation and Evaluation:

I will constantly evaluate the progress and quality of my work throughout my blog, with a full written evaluation at the end. Design sheets, and feedback from crits will be scanned in and uploaded to my blog in order to inform my practice and keep the 'story' and development of my brief flowing.

Bibliography, Articles and Sources:

'Motion Graphic Design' Library number: 778.4357
'The Fundamentals of Branding' Library number: 745.25
'On Air: The Visual Messages and Global Language of MTV' Library number: 741.66

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