Tuesday 24 May 2011

Final Crit

A successful crit, and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing a different set of people's ideas... In our group there was Maya, Chris, Richard, Paul, Chris (Starkie) Ceara and myself. I had already seen Ceara's so it was good to see how her work had progressed.

Feedback from Paul:

Really useful feedback... I understand I didn't make clear what the 48/96 sheet poster meant, but I will rectify this for my final boards. And the layout of the boards were not how I envisaged my finals, but somehow felt I had to explain everything word for word, as the previous crit there wasn't enough information, so yes I really need to restructure my boards. I really like the sound of mocking up a 'night' and I actually had thought of this the day before, time is thin so I will have to see. And again, the interactive bus poster idea Paul mentioned, I think I could link this in with my proposed LCD Underground display.

Feedback from Maya:

I completely agree I should probably present the posters in context. With regards to the comment about targetting my audience on the underground, I thought it would be appropriate due to the mass volume of people that would be exposed to it, including my audience who are fans of the music genres, and potential fans in the future. Again, a comment about the boards, I agree, the layout needs to be more consistent, and this will be resolved in time for submission. The web banner for music sites is a good idea, I have proposed this but not got to the stage of carrying it through, so I will look into this.
There was a comment about printed music channel ads, and I should look at them, I have found a huge lack of this material! Otherwise it would have been my first port of call.

Feedback from Starkie (Chris):

It seems I really baffled people talking about the 48/96 sheet poster size! I think there was some miscommunication about me producing a magazine - I only stated I was producing an A4 advert for a magazine. Great idea about stencilling or spray painting logo, but as pointed out by Starkie, time is running out. Although it could look really good! And a spelling error, due to a fault letter a I have, I have had to copy and paste the letter a into words!!

In summary, a very productive crit! Great to see such a high standard of work from everyone.

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