Wednesday 12 October 2011

Typographic Eyes

Just an idea I started drawing:

Computer version:

Using the words To Death With A to form an eye using the warp tool on illustrator.

The A looks quite odd here, it may look better on the same line as with, to give it a more rounded smoother edge.

This actually looks really weird, and slightly, I know simple designs can work well, but this is too plain.
This looks much better, and works better as a shape for an eye-socket.

I have used the repetition of 'Smile' to represent teeth. I think it looks quite effective along with the eyes, as both have two lines of text.

I am not sure if the 'Smile' works better in this one. It is easier to read, and gets the point across.

Just another idea - I will definitely be sticking with the full line of text 'To death...'. Here I have adjusted the opacity, I have put it up to 90% as a peer suggested it may look better.

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