Thursday 13 October 2011

Mini Informal Crit

As I am coming up to both my Brief 1 and Manchester Book Fair deadline, I need to select my final pieces. I am not comfortable with the quality or content for my book for Manchester, so I will be submitting one of my Mexico prints.

Jonathan Finch and Steph Bourne both preferred:

Although Steph felt, the opacity should be adjusted so it is more opaque.

Naomi Farrar and Rob Green both preferred this one:

I am torn between the two, after a chat with Rosalind I became even more torn, with the first one, the type is even and so in terms of the image it works well, but with the second one I quite like how the word Smile stands out but in terms of hierarchy I see Smile then the rest of the text which isn't what is intended. Kim Sandford and Hazel Gage also liked the top idea better, I have decided to pick the first one.

After looking through the earlier designs for the skulls Rob commented that I shouldn't let the skulls go to waste, maybe I could use one as a tag to go with the poster?

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